Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
New WT video: Like taking money from a baby!
by WingCommander injust when you thought may's jw dot org video featuring wide-eyed cult lunatic gb lett guilting the masses into giving every last dime they have couldn't be topped, your children will now be fed a guilt-inducing cartoon in which they are guilted into giving every last cent they have to the wt cult.
the wt entitles this one, "give us your money!
even your children are to be shaken down!
Brokeback Watchtower sure got a shitty internet presence. Is all that I can say. And thanks to rubber face Lett and tight pants Tony the trend will continue to degrade, hailaluejah and praise the lordy. -
Tight Pants "For Your Enjoyment"
by cappytan ininappropriate..
Brokeback Watchtower
good job -
Stephen Lett: Crazy Old Kook or Just Really Bad Actor?
by Wild_Thing inso, i am reposting this video from wifibandit's thread since it is a bit off topic.
i watched this video and i have to say that this guy really creeps me out.
his slow and methodical gestures coupled with with his over-annuciation of every word makes him appear absolutely crazy!.
Brokeback Watchtower
He's definitely got the look and the mannerisms of a genuine mega cult leader. How fitting for him to give regular semi yearly broadcasts for internet fodder. He's a genuine Dumb Ass who believes all his own hyped up bull shit about not asking for money by certain forms of used by the churches.
Some of My Thoughts on Jung, Individuation,Wholeness, The Unconscious and Enlightenment
by frankiespeakin inas some already know or perhaps guessed i'm interested in jung's ideas on the psyche, have been since a teenager and then the jws got me at and closed my mind.
after leaving mental "the truth" in my forties, my intrest renewed very quickly, a post leolia made to me on some subject unknowingly gave me my first prod, thanks leo.. well i was exploring my mind soon as i left the jw with some lengthy excursions into being a semi hermit in order to give myself over to much inner time, it even feels a bit selfish to do now so i gave it up,, for how long?
still probing but at a reduced rate.. jung studied all the religions, and all the ancient text he could get his hands on, and his knowedge of mythology was he also is very understanding of what is enlightenment, as he said the experiences he had with the unconscious nearly tore him apart but he manged to survive it without loosing his sanity, jung also said that he was surprised at how much of the unconscious the buddha had made conscious without going insane.
Christianity: The most deceptive religion
by opusdei1972 injesus was a jew who apparently thought he was the messiah, however, after dying, his disciples began to propagate the lie that he would return from heaven during his generation.
but, his generation passed away, and it was clear that it was a false prophecy, then a dishonest christian wrote the second letter of peter so as to condemn those who realised that the prophecy was a fiasco.
interestingly, and sadly, this religion survived,....why????
Brokeback Watchtower
Because people want to live
Because people want to live forever in a paradise be it in heaven or earth. It like a carrot you dangle before and animal to get him to move in a beneficial way for profits.
We will suspend critical judgement if we engage in wishful thinking and lots of times we were born into a religion and so not having the critical thinking skills we naturally fall into the delusions of christianity, It is like the old computer saying garbage in = garbage out in other words we have been feeding our minds with pretty much useless information and now we are getting garbage out.
Religious Experience and Personality Experience from the Unconscious
by frankiespeakin ini have been at the university library the past few month reading books about carl jung.
i think he has some interesting things about the unconscious,,as well consciousness.. i been reading that the unconsciousness has the ability to form this new personality and then hatch it on the ego consciousness by means of an religious experience,, or perhaps we can say mystical experience , but the problem is that if the original ego consciousness was very one sided there is a tendency is for the new personality to be too one sided in the opposite way.. one of the chief problems for the human species as i see it is that the evolution of the human consciousness has cause a very drastic change in in our life style in such a short period of time just look at the last 2 or 3 hundred years and this accelerated change this has cause the majority of us to deviate the from the "way of the blood",, or from the way our genetic code would work the best for us both mentally and physically,, this deviation is the reason for a neuroses,, or even worse a psychosis.. but jung and others who think like him say that a neuroses is actually a very good thing as it is natural process that works to restore balance in the psyche.
sometimes in healing his patients from a neuroses he would only go as far as the personal unconscious find the problem with the patient and they were cured other times he had to go deeper and into the collective unconscious to get at the problem.. many patient came to even after they had been cure and wanted to go deeper to find whatever.
Are J.W.'s as Gullible as the Org's Writings Imply?
by The Searcher inthe latest watchtower certainly indicates that the org thinks they are!!
why keep in expectation?
watchtower august 15 par.
Brokeback Watchtower
When we were loyal to the Watchtower Corporation we let them do our thinking for us as we tediously followed instructions from 5 meetings a week, this lowered and narrowed our own consciouness as we dosed off into group think. It is hard to get out of it and the GB are taking full advantage of it thus the extreme gulibility is played on to the stretching point in their writings.
Also I think we can safely say that: garbage in garbage out seems to in the process of information sharing in the Watchtower publications in other words it is all delusional reasoning of mad men who think they are on a mission from god.
Br. Lett's Slight of Hand
by Hold Me-Thrill Me innice try brother lett.
you moved the cups around the table and thought we would not see the slight of hand you were handing us.
you begged for money but you have failed to show yourself capable of handling the monies already provided .
Brokeback Watchtower
Yes I agree that this blatant money grab promoted by the GB is going to back fire on them as it will not generate more funds and workers as they hope.
It almost seems like they are drowning men reaching for straws.
Governing Body meeting.
by Driving Force inthis is a recording of a gb meeting, i am not sure what they are talking about..
Brokeback Watchtower
Hey i got a bridge in Brooklyn you might wanna buy. -
If They Stopped Shunning Tomorrow?
by cofty inimagine that the cult decided to stop shunning family members on the proviso that the dfd person was not actively trying to attack the cult.. (please don't debate whether or not this is likely - it's hypothetical).
how would you respond to your family?.
personally i think i would be less than cooperative.
Brokeback Watchtower
I think this may be a real possibility in the future being that they could lose their status to operate as a charity because of their cruel shunning practices?
But I can only hope that something can break that awful cruel practice to avoid one's own children.